Monday 3 October 2016

14 easy ways to be the perfect girlfriend and make your guy love you more

Follow these 14 steps if you intend to be the very best girlfriend that your boyfriend has ever, and will ever have in his life.
Be the perfect girlfriend, make him stuck to you for life Be the perfect girlfriend, make him stuck to you for life

This is not a complete, fool-proof set of rules to being the ideal bae.

They'll however help, if you desire to be the best he's ever had.

Give him his space

Almost all guys are turned off by clingy girlfriends. Don’t be that girl that’s always whining when she doesn’t get 100 phone calls and a million pings in a day.

Never try to come between him and his friends

A good girlfriend will not stir conflict between herself and her man’s friends - or worse, make his man choose between her and his friends.
Be the reason why your boyfriend is happy all the time (Quotesgram)

Feed him well

The way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach. While this might not be entirely true, you still can’t argue with the logic behind it.
If you know how to cook well, and even if not, just try, put some sweet edible things in his stomach. Men love that.

Don’t give him a reason to be jealous

A good girlfriend is a faithful one. While you are not supposed to stop being friends with your male friends and colleagues, you should learn to draw the line at some point so that your boyfriend never feels threatened.
Let him feel loved, feed his ego (Pinterest)

Don't stop being his friend

Be his friend; he needs you to be that all the time.

Trust him

A good girlfriend trusts her man. And a good boyfriend never betrays that trust.

Be cool with his friends

This is another way to make yourself absolutely lovable. way to get the love and affection of your man right from the get-go is to make his friends like you, too.

Learn how to listen

So he’s had a bad day or something similar and he just wants to rant on and on. Let him.
Learn how to listen (Madamenoire)

Please do not nag

Instead of nagging and endless complaints that most girls do, try to be calm and present your views as gently as possible, for as long as is reasonably possible.

Let him be the man in the relationship

You know men like to feel in control; so never let him feel like that role is being threatened.

Be confident

There’s nothing more attractive on a woman than pure self-confidence. Develop some of that, and let it show.
Feed his ego (Dreamstime)

Learn to overlook

Some ladies are guilty of complaining about everything. While it is understandable that you might have some things to actually show your discontent about, try to ignore the little ones. Keep your complaints to the barest minimum.

Be great in bed

No one is asking you to be a porn star. But of course you know sex can be an important part of any relationship, so you really don’t want to lay there like a dead fish while he does all the work.
You should put an effort into making him feel that you’re enjoying it just as much as he is.

Feed his ego

Make him feel good-looking and wanted by saying good things about him, but make sure you’re genuine about it.

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