Wednesday 5 October 2016

3 easiest way to get him attracted

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are around a good-looking guy who was too shy to approach you?
  Just walk up and say what you have to. He just might be interested in you, too.So you are at a public event, a religious gathering, a concert etc, and you are sizing-up this guy, you catch him checking you out a few times, too.
You both are supposed to exchange numbers, chat a few times, go on few dates, fall in love, become an item, and maybe live together forever…
But nope,you didn’t even say hi till the event ended and you went your separate ways. Why? He did not come to speak to you first.
The longstanding idea is that guys should approach girls first. Accepted.
How to hit on a guy successfully

However, some guys are just shy, or don’t do well with rejection and would rather shut their mouths than have you curve them.
While many girls are starting to warm up to the idea of walking up to the guy first, and are literally taking what they want, many still refuse to think there’s any sense to it.
There’s a lot to say to convince such people but that might just be a discussion for another day.
What we hope to do with this article is assist you, if you don’t mind walking up to that guy you’ve been eyeing for so long, but don’t know how to go about it.
These are three easy steps that will make it easier for you to go after what you really want.
  Just walk up and say what you have to. He just might be interested in you, too.

Don't worry about being embarrassed

Take it from a guy. It is extremely difficult to approach a guy and have him embarrass you.
See, most likely 10 out of 10 guys will be more than cool with a woman approaching them and will actually find it very attractive.
It's really hard to locate a guy who isn't flattered when a woman initiates a conversation with them or shows interest in them.
Even if they are taken, and can’t pursue any serious relationship with you, be sure they won’t embarrass you. The chances of that happening are just too low.

Body Language

You want to get him to be attracted to you, primarily as a person, not as a sex-object, so desist from body contacts, such as holding his hand, or letting your hand rest on his shoulder for too long. Maintain eye contact, laugh and smile when it's called for, and just generally relax. You don't want to come across as too strong.
Your body language says a lot, too.

Leave the ball in his court

It's been proven that men tend to pick up the lead after initiation has been made.
Once the ice is broken, he will get into the conversation too, and anyone who sees you both will not even be able to guess that you walked up to him and not the other way round.
Who said he is not interested in you too, but was only too shy to make the first move?
So, there's a big chance that now that the conversation has begun already, there will be no more inhibitions in his mind.
Don't be surprised that he will even be the one to ask for your phone number.
In conclusion, you should be confident in the fact that most guys will be flattered by your initiation and will most be quite grateful too!
So here's the deal, when next you see that guy, why not walk up to him and talk to him? You never can tell the good things that might result from that conversation

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