Wednesday 5 October 2016

interesting ways to maintain physical attraction in your relationship

One concern for people who are in committed relationships is that their burning romance will die down at some point.
That fire should never burn out. Let's keep this romance alive forever That fire should never burn out. Let's keep this romance alive forever. (Stocksy)

That fear that 'this sizzling romance' will soon fade out, is actually not unfounded.

Many partners tend to lose the chemistry and physical attraction at some point into their ‘happily-ever-after.’
This might be what actually happens indeed, but it still does not make it right.
The fiery sexual attraction that grabs a hold of you both before marriage, and that remains in those early years of marriage should still be there, burning brightly as ever, 15-20 years into your wedding and even more.
The good news is that you don't need to cram a bunch of stupid sex moves to keep that chemistry in place. [Believe me there are so many ridiculous sex positions you should not be bothering yourself about]
Below are things you should continue to do in marriage that will ensure that your physical chemistry stands the test of time.
If you are yet to marry, you can also start practicing these things now and continue when you marry.
Understand that foreplay starts outside the bedroom
The reason why sexual chemistry is snuffed out over time is because couples neglect the little things, which accumulate and eventually makes one or both of them disillusioned with the whole idea of marriage, and sexual activity then becomes a matter of duty rather than something you enjoy doing.
A lot of people mistakenly think that the time to turn up the romance is behind closed doors at night.
Physical chemistry is said to grow in all the little acts of love throughout the day.
I recently saw a story a lady shared on Twitter about how her parents were so romantic together that they used to feel like they were intruding on them.
There should be time for just the both of you, even the kids should not be allowed to interrupt that (BlackNet)
She spoke of the little mushy things her parents shared, the relentless jokes, the gestures you’d only expect from people who are just falling in love, and not those who have been married for long.
Truth is if you want to maintain this chemistry, little gestures such as sending a sweet text, regularly assisting each other, giving one another little gifts, or planning quality time cannot ever be ignored.
It shows your partner that you love them even when sex isn't involved and sustains feelings of intimacy throughout the day.
Couples who are good at speaking one another's love language throughout the day are less likely to be "too tired" at night.
These acts of service are just as important when abstaining from sex. If you and your man are good at speaking one another's love language, you should have no reason to fear that your sexual chemistry won't last!

Put some rituals in place

Truth is, as you both grow older, you will have more responsibilities, more things to invest your time and energy into.
If you do not watch it, these commitments will consume you to the detriment of your sexual chemistry with your partner.
How do you stay committed to your interests, your marriage, and your sexual life?
That fire should never burn out. Let's keep this romance alive forever That fire should never burn out. Let's keep this romance alive forever. (Stocksy)
The solution is to actively work out time together with your partner. A time spent together, when all things are dropped for your partner . Even the kids are not allowed to disturb this time.
Discuss, do things you usually do together, don’t be too particular about sex, it’ll naturally happen.

Prioritize one another

If you want to safeguard passion in your relationship for a long time to come, learn to put each other first.
In the early periods of romance, natural physical chemistry is made easily possible by the fact that everything is new, exciting, and you are totally obsessed with one another.
Eventually, though, life gets busy, and you just might not know when your romance takes second place in your life.
So, learn to constantly prioritize time with your partner, above your job, above your kids, and surely above all other interests

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